
Who has the best photo prints?

We asked five photographers to vote for their favorite of five best photos to hang in their home. The new year in India is looking so promising with several companies planning to enter the Indian market, a number of which include tech giants who have already launched or are about to launch products in this […]


Are Facebook photos public property?

Facebook says no: Photo: Instagram, Sarah Lynn, USA TODAY Photos posted online by people in the U.S. indicate the person is actually a U.S. citizen and that they have an active Facebook account, but the person wasn’t in a position to post in Facebook’s photo feed. (Photo: Instagram, Facebook) Photos posted online by people in […]


What skills do I need to be a graphic designer?

There are a few basic areas of knowledge you’ll need to master to become a successful graphic designer, but here are some things you should know: Make your own fonts and styles Use software like Photoshop or Illustrator to create your own graphics Make sure you research your type and color options Get a good […]


Who owns Corel software?

Most computer manufacturers do, and they pay us a fee for it. The reason they usually don’t pay us is that they don’t like us. We use to work at Intel – now they want to kill off the competition. When they hired me, they thought I would be more of a friend than a […]


How does free prints make money?

The simple answer is that it just makes you feel good. That’s it. It’s a win-win. If the print is good enough for free, people are more likely to want to buy. You may also raise the amount of money you can generate by making more copies. In fact, if your paper or magazine is […]


Can I make money from my pictures?

Yes, but you have to pay for a professional grade camera to make good quality images. The bigger the camera, the more you are paying for. If your camera is not professional, pay what you can. My camera is expensive, can I make enough money if I just keep selling the pictures? No. Selling pictures […]


Who decides how much money prints?

The Federal Reserve is there to make sure it doesn’t disappear. The Fed and Treasury don’t print money and then give it to the banks. The government keeps its hands on the money supply, and it can’t give money to the banks. The money supply is the market economy’s best predictor of the money supply. […]


When did image manipulation start?

Image analysis started in the 1950s and 1960s, especially in psychology laboratories, so the term came much later. Image-matching systems used in the 60s to 70s were mostly based on the work of Henri PoincarĂ© and his colleagues from Lyon, France. The image matching was done by comparing two images and finding the most similar […]


What do graphic designers do?

Designers write, draw, edit, and design for web based and mobile technologies. Graphic design helps you create the next great image, link, video, infographic, or any other form of visual communications. As visual content creators we use a variety of visual, interactive, and traditional media to convey our ideas and communicate our message. Who is […]


Are Facebook photos public property?

You may be surprised to learn that they are not. Facebook users are not legally required to let Facebook know where photos they share are posted. And for many people, Facebook is their only online social network. For those who fear Facebook could compromise their privacy, and for those who want to share photos with […]